George Bush Is Ignorant: The State of the United States and other Political Ramblings...

A law student and new mother takes a look at politics in the United States, George Bush's political manueuvering, and other issues of justice.

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Location: Detroit, Michigan, United States

Mother, Woman of Color, Activist, Progressive,

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Bush Supporter Shafted By Bush After Death in Iraq

This article appeared today on the MSN.Com web site. I have every intention of commenting on these articles I keep posting. However, because of time and mommy constraints, I will have to believe that these articles for the time being, at least, speak for themselves.

After asking President Bush for assistance in uncovering the truth about her son's death in Iraq, the Bush Campaign, instead, asked her to appear in a re-election commercial....

Now that's classy!


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