George Bush Is Ignorant: The State of the United States and other Political Ramblings...

A law student and new mother takes a look at politics in the United States, George Bush's political manueuvering, and other issues of justice.

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Location: Detroit, Michigan, United States

Mother, Woman of Color, Activist, Progressive,

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Bush Needs a Blow Job

Sorry, but I couldn't resist again.
Also, I have been slacking on this blog, so it is sort of a novelty now............. Enjoy!
Thanks to BrownFemiPower for the great pic!!! You can check out her blog here.


Blogger Unknown said...

hi law mama,
i can't begin to tell you how excited i was to discover your blog. well, blogs, actually - i came here from your critical race theory space. what a space. you write very passionately and strongly about a lot of crucial things that need to be deconstructed adn talked about.

i can't help but point out that your blog theme is very similar to mine - i also can't stand the current atrocities with the shrub administration, the racism and continuation of oppression of the people of color, covert it may be, and the fact that it's so hard to bring any changes about...

i wanted to thank you for doing this great and much needed work. especially knowing that you're in law school and are probably swamped insanely, it's so humbling to know that you still find time for such inspiring and tireless work on creating forums, creating spaces for people to interact, and educating people. i've personally learned quite a few things from just a few minutes of being on your CRT page.

i definitely look forward to reading more of your conscious and powerful writing. i guess after your finals, huh?

i myself am starting law school this fall and am interested in CRT, Public Law and Policy and public interest law. i'm sure you and will have a lot to talk about!

cheers, and good luck on those bloody exams!

9:48 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

oh, sorry, i almost forgot [i'm not stalking you, really ;)] - i loved the poster that the woman's holding up on the picture! how funny and fucking depressing at the same time - getting a blow job's appears to be by far the only thing that can get a president impeached, huh?

9:52 PM  
Blogger knibilnats said...

I nominate my buddy Bill O'Reilly for the deed.

10:43 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i second that, knibilnats. i think they have a big chance of enjoying each other

4:36 PM  
Blogger Harley said...

Oh wow. Your blog is amazing! And oh lord I love this picture!!!! Visit me sometime!

8:04 PM  

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